Children are as susceptible to trauma in their spines from various activities and events. These microtraumas can subluxate the vertebrae of the spine, placing pressure on their spinal nerves and therefore decreasing their bodies’ ability to function normally. Although symptoms, such as pain and malfunction may not show up for years, injury to their vital nervous system can have a lifetime of damaging effects.
Children should be checked right after birth because of the potential damaging effects of the birth process. Even the most natural births are somewhat traumatic to the infant and may have “hidden damage.” Studies show that many children who experience symptoms of colic, ear infections and asthma have spinal subluxations impairing their nervous system function. Early detection and correction can prevent layers of damage from occurring in the child's vital nervous system. Accumulated damage will have lifelong consequences.
Chiropractic is not a one-size-fits-all approach. When working with newborns and babies the adjustment looks nothing like an adjustment on an adult. Dr. Helliesen gently applies specific realignment techniques that help the spine return naturally to its correct position.
Children are as susceptible to trauma in their spines from various activities and events. These microtraumas can subluxate the vertebrae of the spine, placing pressure on their spinal nerves and therefore decreasing their bodies’ ability to function normally. Although symptoms, such as pain and malfunction may not show up for years, injury to their vital nervous system can have a lifetime of damaging effects.
Children should be checked right after birth because of the potential damaging effects of the birth process. Even the most natural births are somewhat traumatic to the infant and may have “hidden damage.” Studies show that many children who experience symptoms of colic, ear infections and asthma have spinal subluxations impairing their nervous system function. Early detection and correction can prevent layers of damage from occurring in the child's vital nervous system. Accumulated damage will have lifelong consequences.
Chiropractic is not a one-size-fits-all approach. When working with newborns and babies the adjustment looks nothing like an adjustment on an adult. Dr. Helliesen gently applies specific realignment techniques that help the spine return naturally to its correct position.