Chiropractic Adjustments:
Chiropractic adjustments — also called spinal manipulations — involve moving a joint beyond its usual range of motion but not beyond the range of motion the joint is designed to move, anatomically speaking. You often will hear a popping or cracking noise during chiropractic adjustment as the joint is manipulated. The popping noise is gas being released from the joint capsule as it moves. The goal of chiropractic adjustment is to relieve pain, increase joint mobility, remove nerve interference and impingement and improve your body's physical function. Extremity injuries can also benefit from chiropractic adjustments.
Chiropractic adjustments — also called spinal manipulations — involve moving a joint beyond its usual range of motion but not beyond the range of motion the joint is designed to move, anatomically speaking. You often will hear a popping or cracking noise during chiropractic adjustment as the joint is manipulated. The popping noise is gas being released from the joint capsule as it moves. The goal of chiropractic adjustment is to relieve pain, increase joint mobility, remove nerve interference and impingement and improve your body's physical function. Extremity injuries can also benefit from chiropractic adjustments.

Webster Technique:
The Webster technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and diversified adjustment. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation/ SI joint dysfunction. In so doing neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is improved.
The International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) recognizes that in a theoretical and clinical framework of the Webster Technique in the care of pregnant women, sacral subluxation may contribute to difficult labor for the mother (i.e., dystocia). Dystocia is caused by inadequate uterine function, pelvic contraction, and baby mal-presentation. The correction of sacral subluxation may have a positive effect on all of these causes of dystocia.
In regards to pregnant mothers, Dr. Webster reported that when a mother sought care and her baby was in a breech position, the restoration of pelvic neuro-biomechanics with this adjustment also frequently facilitated optimal fetal positioning.
Dr. Helliesen is a Webster Technique certified doctor through the ICPA.
The Webster technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and diversified adjustment. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation/ SI joint dysfunction. In so doing neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is improved.
The International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) recognizes that in a theoretical and clinical framework of the Webster Technique in the care of pregnant women, sacral subluxation may contribute to difficult labor for the mother (i.e., dystocia). Dystocia is caused by inadequate uterine function, pelvic contraction, and baby mal-presentation. The correction of sacral subluxation may have a positive effect on all of these causes of dystocia.
In regards to pregnant mothers, Dr. Webster reported that when a mother sought care and her baby was in a breech position, the restoration of pelvic neuro-biomechanics with this adjustment also frequently facilitated optimal fetal positioning.
Dr. Helliesen is a Webster Technique certified doctor through the ICPA.

Exercise Rehabilitation:
Therapeutic exercises and stretching compliment your chiropractic treatments and speed up your body's healing process. When prescribed along with manipulation or other chiropractic care, these exercises can reduce pain, protect against new or recurring injuries, prevent muscle deterioration and promote strength, stability and range of motion.
Therapeutic exercises and stretching compliment your chiropractic treatments and speed up your body's healing process. When prescribed along with manipulation or other chiropractic care, these exercises can reduce pain, protect against new or recurring injuries, prevent muscle deterioration and promote strength, stability and range of motion.

Kinesio Taping:
Kinesio Tape is a rehabilitative taping technique that is designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process while providing support and stability to muscles and joints. It allows the body to move through its normal range of motion while supporting the areas of injury. It also provides extended soft tissue stimulation to prolong the benefits of manual therapy administered in the chiropractic office. By targeting different receptors within the skin, it can alleviate pain and facilitate lymphatic drainage by microscopically lifting the skin under the tape
Kinesio Tape is a rehabilitative taping technique that is designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process while providing support and stability to muscles and joints. It allows the body to move through its normal range of motion while supporting the areas of injury. It also provides extended soft tissue stimulation to prolong the benefits of manual therapy administered in the chiropractic office. By targeting different receptors within the skin, it can alleviate pain and facilitate lymphatic drainage by microscopically lifting the skin under the tape

Soft Tissue Therapy:
Soft Tissue Therapy can be an important part of health and wellness. Benefits include improved circulation, joint mobility, and pain relief. Tree of Life Chiropractic Wellness Center offers a variety of Soft Tissue techniques including, Myofascial Release Technique, Xyno Therapy, Electrical Motor Stimulation, Ultrasound, Cryo and Heat Therapy.
Soft Tissue Therapy can be an important part of health and wellness. Benefits include improved circulation, joint mobility, and pain relief. Tree of Life Chiropractic Wellness Center offers a variety of Soft Tissue techniques including, Myofascial Release Technique, Xyno Therapy, Electrical Motor Stimulation, Ultrasound, Cryo and Heat Therapy.